
Showing posts from March, 2016

my direction about linguistics

  Heey..! do you interest to study about language ? i can help you yoyo :D. You can visit others my blogs to obtain informations or content of this book . My blog based on book of loreto todd. This book can give us direct about explanation of language and linguistics such as, what is linguistics, phonology, morpology, syntax, lexycology and then semantics ?. well. let's visit ;). Teks disini


Yoyo,,!! Helo sobat.This is the third my posting to you sobat and this posting also continue of the first   my posting exactly what is linguistics ?. So this is diciplin of linguistics and may be later I will be posting again about phonology. Now, I wanna explain to you about phonetics however just a little and summary yaakk :V. Step by step yah in order you understand about these materials.   What is phonetics ? Oke, phonetics is one of two aspect in phonology. it also a study of production,transmission and reception of speech sounds. So in phonetics we will study about organ of speech, articulation, manners of articulation and place articulation of sounds.   Organ of speech as we know that there are few main organ of speech such as : the jaws, the lips, the teeth, the teeth ridge (usually called the alveolar ridge), the tongue, the hard palate, the soft palate (the velum), the evula, the pharynx, the larynx and vocal cords. The tongue is so important o...

an introduce of linguistics

What is linguistics ?    Linguistics is usually defined as the ‘scientific study of language’. Such a statement,however, raises two further questions: what do we mean by “scientific”? and what do we mean by “language” ?.    when we say that a linguist aims to be scientific, we mean that it attempts to study language in much the same way as a scientist studies physic or chemistry, that is systematically and as far as posibble without prejudice. It means observing language use, forming hypotheses about it, testing these hypotheses and then refining them on the basis of the evidence collected. From that steatment there are some decribe of scientist about linguistics such as: ·          Bloomfield    Linguistics is science like physics   and chemical are scientis ·          Hjlemslev    Linguistics is a example of metasemiotica or to research about ...