
Showing posts from February, 2017


S E M A N T I C      Semantic has two vital area considered of semantic fields and sematic relations. These concepts are simplest kind of generalization assigns meaning to the same lexical set based on the semantic similarities. A.    Sematic Field      Adrienne Lehrer (1985) defined semantic field as a set of lexemes which cover a certain conceptual domain and which bear certain specifiable relations to one another. It means that semantic field is a set of words or lexemes related in meaning; also called lexical field or field of meaning. For instance, there is considerable overlap between terms like, child and toddler or minor and juvenile.      Although the terms lexical field or semantic field are usually used interchangeably, Siegfried wyler (1992) made a distinction between a lexical field is a structure formed by lexemes while a semantic field is underlying meaning which finds expression in lexemes...