an introduce of linguistics

What is linguistics ?
   Linguistics is usually defined as the ‘scientific study of language’. Such a statement,however, raises two further questions: what do we mean by “scientific”? and what do we mean by “language” ?.
when we say that a linguist aims to be scientific, we mean that it attempts to study language in much the same way as a scientist studies physic or chemistry, that is systematically and as far as posibble without prejudice. It means observing language use, forming hypotheses about it, testing these hypotheses and then refining them on the basis of the evidence collected. From that steatment there are some decribe of scientist about linguistics such as:
·         Bloomfield
   Linguistics is science like physics  and chemical are scientis
·         Hjlemslev
   Linguistics is a example of metasemiotica or to research about that language self.
·         Benveniste
   Linguistics is the difference among dimension-simension semiotic and semantic of language
·         Harimuti kridalaksana
   Linguistics is a science about language of grammar
·         Martinet
   Linguistics is science which takes language as object learning.
·         Comsky
   Linguistics is a generatif which has a mentalistic character because prime of purpose is explaining competence and do not performance.
   While language is a set of signal by which we communicate. human beings are not the only species to have an elaborate communication system. Bees communicate about honey and the sitting of a new hive; chimpanzees can use vocalisations to warn of danger, to signal the finding of food or to indicate attitudes to mating and others. It is not possible In a short book to illustrate all the similarities and differences between human  and animal comunication. Nothing in the animal kingdom even approximates to human language for flexibility, complexity, precision,productivity and sheer quantity. Human have learnt to make infinite use of finite means.
   There are a number of other general points that are worth making about language. First, human language is not only a vocal system of communication. It can be expressed  in wiriting,with the result that it is not limited in time or space. Secondly, each language is both arbitrary and systematic.  A number of example will clarify in this point. Theword of “water” is “eau” in french, “uisce”in gaelic. There is no intrinsic relationship between any of these words and the chemical compound H2O which we know as water. The choice of word is abitrary, thatis non predicatabel, but speaker of french and gaelic regularly and habitually use the word from their language to refer to H2O. the same is true with regard to sentences.
In english, we say: I am hungry
In french: J’ai faim (literally, I have hunger)
And in gaelic: tȧ ocras orm (literally, be hunger on me)
   language are arbitrary in their selection and combination of items but systematic in that semilar ideas are expressed in semilar ways, thus:
english: I am thiesty
french:  j’ai soif (literally, I have thirst)
gaelic: tȧ tart orm (literally, be thirst on me)
language and medium
a language is an abstraction based on the linguistics behaviour of its users. It is not to be equated precisely with speech because no speaker has total mastery of entire system and every speaker is capable of using the language inadequately through tiredness, illness or inattention. All normal children of all reces learn to speak the language oh their community, so speech has often been seen as the primary medium of language. The abstract system which is language can also be realised as writing and althought speech and writing have much in common, they are not to be equated or hierarchically ordered. Many book will claim that speech is “primary”nand this is true in a number of ways:

·         writing is a relatively recent development in human societies
·         thousands of speech communicaties rely solely  on speech
·         all of us speak a great deal more than we write
·         although we acquire speech without conscious effort, learning to read and write is usually less spontaneous and less automatic.
   It is not, however “primary” if we interpret “primary” to mean “more important”. Speech and writing are not in competition. They are complementry and both are necessary in a technologically advanced society. A simple example of this is that pronunciation is often affected by spelling. A word like “often”, for example, is now frequently pronunced with a ‘t’ because of influence from the written medium.
   Consider briefly the main difference between speech and writing, the two main mediums in which language is realised:
  • ·         Composed of sounds makes use of intonation, pitch, rhythm, tempo
  • ·         Produced effortlessly-no tools required
  • ·         Transitory
  • ·         Perceived by the ear
  • ·         Addressee present
  • ·         Immediate feedback
  • ·         Meaning helped by context, body movement, gestures
  • ·         Spontaneous
  • ·         Associative
  • ·         Composed ofletters/signs
  • ·         Makes use of punctuation and other graphological devices like italics
  • ·         Produced with effort-tools required
  • ·         Relatively permanent
  • ·         Perceived by the eye
  • ·         Addressee absent
  • ·         Feedback delayed
  • ·         Meaning must be made clear within the context
  • ·         Not spontaneous
  • ·         Logical
  • Such a list is sufficient to indicate that speech and writing  are very different mediums.
The components of language
   If we hear a stream of sound in a language we do not know, we my recognise by the tone of voice wheter the person is angry or annoyed but the exact meaning eludes us. To have master of language, therefore, means being ableto produce an ifinite number of language patterns which are comprehensible to other users of the language and in addition, being able to decipher the ifinity of language pattren produce by other users of the language. It is thus a two way process involving both production and reception.
   As far as speech is concerned, the process involves associating sounds with meaning and meaning with sounds. Language compentence involves the association of a meaning (sometimes sounds) with a sign, a visual symbol. Thus, our study of language will involve us in an appraisal of all of the following levels of language:
  • Phonology : sounds
  • Morphology : meaningful combination of sounds
  • Lexis : words
  • Syntax : meaningful combinstion of words
  • Semantics : meaning
When we have examined these levels and the way interact, we will have aquired the necessary tools to study language in general (linguistics), the variety in language and uses to which people put languages (sociolinguistics), the ways in which people teacch and learn languages (appiled linguistics) and the value of the study of language in understanding the human mind ( psycholinguistics).


  1. Admin susah amat nma blognya wkwkw but I get it ^^

  2. wow everybody seems to be curious on something

  3. Supporting Siti rafiah's comments... change pliz,..


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