
Showing posts from October, 2016

Story of Pintalan Harapan (Prose)

Pintalan H arapan    Lahir dikeluarga yang begitu mapan, mengantarkan syahfitri menjadi seorang putri di daeranya.Terlahir sebagai anak kedua dari empat bersaudara dari ayah Sobihin dan ibu Syahriani menjadikan beliau sebagais seorang putri yang nyata. Beliau Lahir pada tanggal 08 agustus 1996, tepatnya di desa Gondang, kec. Kandis, provinsi Riau. Beliau merupakan seorang yang ramah, berbudi luhur, dan juga cermat sehingga ia cukup dikenal dikalangan masyarakat didaerah tersebut.    Syahfitri tinggal di desa yang bisa dikatankanlah jauh dari apa yang diharapkan,mengingat pertumbuhan penduduk yang terus berkembang dan hal itu tidak sebanding dengan fasilitas-fasilitas yang ada, seperti puskesmas, pendidikan dan sebagainya. Sadar akan kondisi wilayah yang jauh dari perhatian pemerintah, syahfitri berniat untuk mengubah tempat tinggalnya itu menjadi lebih baik, sehingga terbesit di dalam fikirannya untuk melanjutkan pendidikanya kejenjang selanjutnya. ...

From Simple to be Big Idea (Prose)

Part  I My Message on Indomilk Bottle         Here, jalan melati around interment area is only one street in my village related between the village and city.In this street ever lived a story about me and a girl here.   Everytime I walk here, I remembered a moment in the past made me crying and smiling when I used this way. so that, before I go to campus or back to my home, I spend few minutes of my time to respect and give a flower to someone here. Yeah,,,this is a place when the story was begun and the end. I never know that this place become beautiful place in my mind, however in this place just straight way, brushes and some graves.      This story was begun 3 months ago when I walked in this street. I got bad luck and it unpredictable here. When i used this way,there were some awkward activities that made me down, such as: indomilk bottle hit on my head or it made me fallen,etc. Only me got it in this way,not...

Prose Definition

WHAT IS PROSE ?   Prose is one of few branches literature that often to be developed either in definition or creation. Because of it often to be developed until there are so many definitions,in this opportunity the writer wants to share information about it. What are those, let' check them,,,hihi. Prose is the ordinary form of written language. It imitates the spoken language (hirtu fail) Prose is literary expression not marked by rhyme or by material regularity. It is the type of language used in novels, short stories, articles, etc (Essy Syam) Prose is a form of language that exhibits a grammatical structure and a natural flow of speech, rather than a rhythmic structure as in traditional poetry ( ) Prose is a form of language that has no formal metrical structure. It applies natural flow of speech, and ordinary grammatical structure rather than rhythmic structure, such as in the case of traditional poetry (literary


What is the literature ?  To explain the definition of literature needs a long discussion, but do not worry because I have concluded some definitions from few informations and you can be easily in understanding about it. Etymologically , the term derives from Latin literatura/litteratura "learning, a writing, grammar," originally "writing formed with letters," from litera/littera "letter". In spite of this, the term has also been applied to spoken or sung texts. Literature is composed of those books, and of those books only, which in the first, by reason of their subject matter and their mode of treating it, are of genial human interest; and in which in the second place, the element of form and the pleasure which focus give are to be regarded as essential (Budianta, et al,2002: 3-4). Literature can be defined as ‘pieces of writing that are valued as works of art, especially novels, plays and poems’. (Oxford advanced learner’s Engl...