My Dieary: Language, variation & Dialect
LANGUAGE, DIALECTS AND VARIETIES As we know, there are so many kind of languages in this world. The variation of it influnced by regional emphasizing in pronunciation, dialect and diction. The terms of variety language are emerged due t different systems reflecting different varieties of the human condition. Variety is a specific set of ‘linguistic items’ or ‘human speech patterns’ (presumably, sounds, word, grammatical features, etc. While Language self is a system comunication used by human to transfer their purpose or make them understood each other. Acording to Wardhaugh (2006) distinguish the terms language and dialect as follow: lower part of variety language is dialect and as the main part is language , therefore we can say that texas English and Swiss German are dialects of English and German. Other understanding is added by Edward (2009) also define dialect as veriety of a language that differs from others along three dimensions: voacabulary, gra...