
Showing posts from April, 2016


    HELLO GUYS…!!! Hihihi…allhamdulillah we can still meet again and I can also continue our lesson. Yesterday, we had learnt about morphology right ? as we know that morphology is a study about morphemes. But now, we will continue our lesson about syntax.  What is syntax ?mmm… is it a food :D ? ahahhaha..i’m not sure about that however I’m hungry now hihihi,,,british linguistics often use the term ‘ grammar ’ for the same level of language  that is reffered to as ‘ syntax ’ by many american.  So, syntax is a study about how words combine into large units  and with it’s conection to others words, exactly like pharase,clause and sentence which will be explaned in the below. The phrase The pharase is a group of words  which funtions as a unit and with exception of the verb pharase it self,does not contain a finite verbs. Cosider this definition by examining a few sentence : The little boy sat in the corner. ð   We  can replace ‘...


Heeyy...!!we meet again :V, i hope you are always be better yah brothers. now, i wanna continue our lesson nih. last week, i had posted about phonology, so now we wiil get new leasson about morphology, oke let's move.   what is morphology ? do you now it ?    Morphology is the study of morphemes, which are the smallest significant units of grammar. This definition becomes more comprehensible if you look at some examples such pattrents as : Singular           plural                       present             past [a] Cat      =      cats                           [b] cook    =    cooked   ...


Phonology is a science which learning or investigeting about variation of sounds. In phonology there are two aspects to learn about sounds such as phonetics and phonemes. In the last my blog, we had know and learned about phonetics, right ? now ,I wanna tell you about couple of phonetics, it is phonemes ahahahhah.. yes of course, as we know that   phonetics is a front of linguistics which learning about production, transmission and reception of sounds. So, what is Phonemes ?   Phonemes is a science which learning sound pattren or variation of sound because of there are a lot of words almost   has similar sounds like pin, spin and others. We can see it at dialeg of british, american and australian language,they have difference intonation and also stress of sound to pronoun something. Well, that’s our point to intivestiget about variation of sounds.  So, to difference variation of sound we have to know the consonant of english, vowel of english and al...

My Biografi

assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.hello.. i suppose you are alright yah guys hehehe. kali ini ane mau perkenalkan diri nih. tujuannya bukan untuk terkenal sih tapi ketika ane dipanggil nanti, ane berharap ane masih dapat berguna buat agan-agan dan nona-nona semua..cie'elah malah puitis ahaha jadi ane dapat discount untuk masuk surga nanti :D ngarep T_T. allow me to introduce my self, Nama : T.M.Ridhani (Teuku Muhammad Ridhani). Tetala : Minas,04/Oktober/1996. Belajar di : universitas lancang kuning. Jurusan : fkip bahasa inggris. Cita" : seorang pahlawan, berguna dan dikenang sepanjang masa. Hoby : basket, catur, analisis sesuatu yng gak penting juga terkadang :D dan fight (wushu). Prestasi : allhamdulilllah ane mendapatkan Silver Medal dalam Kejurda Walikota Cup  Se-Sumatra Barat yang di selenggarakan di kota Solok tahun 2013 lalu . Wanita idaman : untuk wanita idaman sih,ane berharap ada seorang wanita yang datang ketika mimpi ane terwujud. so, ane ingin menca...