
Heeyy...!!we meet again :V, i hope you are always be better yah brothers. now, i wanna continue our lesson nih. last week, i had posted about phonology, so now we wiil get new leasson about morphology, oke let's move.
what is morphology ? do you now it ?
   Morphology is the study of morphemes, which are the smallest significant units of grammar. This definition becomes more comprehensible if you look at some examples such pattrents as :
Singular         plural                      present           past
[a] Cat     =     cats                        [b] cook   =   cooked
      Mat   =     mats                           look     =   looked
      Bat     =    bats                             book   =  booked
From  [a] examples, there are two morphemes, the morphemes ‘cat’ (the ‘mat’ or ‘bat’) and the morphemes ’s’ which in many English words marks the difference between singular and plural. In [b] examples also gives us explanation which the’ed’ morphemes indicates the past tenses for many English verbs.

Free and bound morphemes
   If you look at a number of other examples you can establish different categories of morpheme. The words :
·         Unmanly
·         Meaningless
Can be split up into :
[Un+man+ly] and [mean+ing+less]
In the both examples, the words are composed of three morphemes, only one of which can occur in isolation :
The man is very tired
What do you mean ?
Morphemes which can occur freely on their own are called ‘free’ morphemes. morphemes with can only occur as affixes are describe as ‘bound’morphemes. For bound morphemes are divided into two types such as : ‘dis’ and ‘un-‘ which preceded words and which are called prefixs such as ‘-ly’ and ‘ness’ and follow free morphemes or which are called suffixes.


when a morpheme has alternative forms the various forms are know as ‘allomorphs’.
   Take another example. some English adjectives form their opposites by prefixing the boud morpheme ‘in-‘ :
Capable          incapable
tolerant           intolerant
often, however, the nagative morpheme change ‘n’ to the consonant of the word it prefixs :
legal                 illegal
mobile             immobile
reguler             irreguler
‘il-‘, ‘im-‘, ‘in-‘ and ‘ir’ can thus called allomorphs.
Derivational morphology
   Morphology fulfils two main function in English. Morphemes can be used to form new words :
Beauty + ful > beatiful
Danger+ous > dangerous
Or to inflect verbs or nouns :
Look, look+s, look+ving, look+ed
Tree, tree+s
The category is known as derivational morphology and it involves prefixation :
Re+turn > return
Un+true> untrue
Suffixation :
Man + ly > manly
Wicked + ness > wickedness

Or affixation involving both prefixation and suffixation :
Un + speak + able > unspeakable
Sub + conscious + ly > subconsciously
Commonly ocurring prefixes are ‘be-‘, ‘de-’, ‘en-‘, ‘ex-‘, ‘hyper-‘, ‘pre-‘, ‘pro-‘, ‘re-‘, ‘sub-‘, ‘super-‘ and ‘trans-‘. Prefixes alter meaning but do not always change the function of the word to wich they are prefixed:
Prefix                            free morphemes (class)                          result (class)
Be                                   witch (N)                                                        bewitch (V)
De                                  limit (V)                                                          delimit (V)
En                                   rich (V)                                                            enrich (V)          
Ex                                   terminate (V)                                              exterminate (V)
hyper                            market (N)                                                     hypermarket (N)
commonly occuring suffixes always change  the class of the word to which they are attached :
beauty (n) + ful > beautiful (adj)
determine (v) + ation > determination (n)
words ending in the morphemes ‘-acy’, ‘-ation’, ‘-er/or’, ‘-ess’, ‘-ity’, ‘-ment’, ‘-ness’ and ‘-ship’ ten to be nouns :
democracy                  mistress                                 hersemanship
adoration                    solemnity                              weaknees
painter                         bewilderment                     actor           
words ending in ‘-ise/ize’ tend to be nouns :
words ending in ‘-able, ‘-ed’, ‘-ful’, ‘-cal’, ‘-ive’, ‘-like’, ‘-less’ ‘-ous’ and ‘-y’ tend to be adjectives :
an enjoyable film
a polished performance
a comical episode
a diminutive person
a help less individual
a workmanlike effort
an industrious group
a pretty girl
and words  which and in ‘-ly’ tend to be adverbs :
he ran into home quickly
she locked the doors securely
but, althought ‘lovely’ and ‘friendly’ end in ‘-ly’ they function as adjectives and not as adverbs :
a lovely girl
a friendly welcome
inflectional morphology
whereas derivational affixes often involve a change of class such as the verb’attract’ becoming the  adjective ‘attractive’, it is not same with inflectional, it’s suffixes never involve a change of class. Inflectional morphology occur with nouns, pronoun* and verbs. In noun, inflection marks plurality in regular nouns :
book                              books
chair                              chairs
and possesive of all nouns :
john                               john’s book/books
the man                       the man’s book/books
the men                       the men’s book/books
the builders                the builder’s material/materials
irregular nouns often form their plurals by a vowel change :
foot                               feet
man                               men
mouse /maƱs/         mice/mais/
with regard to verbs in english, inflectional suffixes are used to indicate present tense agreement :
I, you, we, they                     look/sing
but : he/she/it                        look + s/sing + s
and the present participle :
look + ing/sing + ing
for regular verbs past tenses and the past participle are formed by the suffix ‘-ed’ :
I look + ed/ I have look + ed
Whereas, with irregular verbs, the past tenses and the past participle are often signlled by a vowel change plus a suffix :
Sing                                  sang                               sung
Take                                 took                               taken
write                                wrote                            written

Maybe, you will more understand if you watch this video.   
 yeah...those a few explanation about morphology. Thank you very much for read, watch and visit my blog brothers :D


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