
Phonology is a science which learning or investigeting about variation of sounds. In phonology there are two aspects to learn about sounds such as phonetics and phonemes.
In the last my blog, we had know and learned about phonetics, right ? now ,I wanna tell you about couple of phonetics, it is phonemes ahahahhah..

yes of course, as we know that  phonetics is a front of linguistics which learning about production, transmission and reception of sounds.

So, what is Phonemes ?

Phonemes is a science which learning sound pattren or variation of sound because of there are a lot of words almost  has similar sounds like pin, spin and others. We can see it at dialeg of british, american and australian language,they have difference intonation and also stress of sound to pronoun something. Well, that’s our point to intivestiget about variation of sounds. 
So, to difference variation of sound we have to know the consonant of english, vowel of english and also stress of sounds.
The consnants of English
In english, it has the word pan and ban. These words differ fairly fundamentally in meaning. But, as far as the sound go, they differ only in the intial segment. Therefore, we can conclude that /p/ and /b/ are distinct phonemes in english. The consonants of british and american english are essentially the same and twenty-four distinct consonants can be distinguished by means of minimal pairs. A list such as: pie, tie,die and others, it can you learn self :V .


The vowels of English

In the vowels of english, there is much greater variation in the pronuciation of vowel phonemes than is the case with consonant. Gile bakal panjang nih :V….The variety of british english that we have chosen to describe has twelve monophthongs and eight dipthong whereas our US variety has ten monophtongs and five diphtongs.they can be described as follows:
Vowel 1: which has the phonetic symbol /i/ is a close, long and made with spread lips. It occurs in such words as eat, seed and see
Vowel 2: which has the phonetic symbol /i/ but differs from vowel 1. It half-close, short and This vowel occurs in sucg words as it, sit and city.
Vowel 3 : which has the phonetic symbol /e/. it is a short and produced with spread lips. It also occurs in words like egg and get but doesn’t occur in word-final position in english.
Vowel 4 : which has the phonetic symbol /æ/. It isa short and made with the lipsin neutrally open position. It also occurs in words like add and sat. like /e/,doesn’t occur in word final position in english.
Vowel 5 : it is represented by the symbol /a/. this is a long,open and made with slightly rounded lips. It also occurs in words like art, father,and far.
Vowel 6 : it is represented by the symbol /o/. this is a short, open and made with slightly rounded lips. It is found in words such as pod and on.
Vowel 7 : it is represented by /ə/. It is a long, half-open and  pronunced with lip-rounding. It’s found in words such as sawed and raw.
Vowel 8 : it is represented phonetically by /Ʊ/. This is a short, half-close and pronunced with lip –rounding. It occurs in words put and  to.
Vowel 9 : it is transcribed /u/. this is a long, close and produced with lip-rounding. It is found in words such as  ooze, booed and too.
Vowel 10 : it is represented by /Ʌ/. Thi is a short, open and cntralised vowel. It is found in words up and bud.
Vowel 11: it is represented by the symbol /ɜ/. It is a long, central vowel and occurs in such words as err, church and sir.
Vowel 12 : it is represented by the symbol /ə/. It the only vowel has a name. it is called schwa. This is short,central vowel which occurs in the unstressed syllables os such words as ago and mother.
   All the vowels described above are monophthongs because there is no tongue movement during the production of vowel sound. A diphthong, involves the movement of tongue from one vowel position to another.
Vowel 13 : it is represented by /ei/. Like all english diphthongs it is long. It starts close to vowel 3 and move to vowel 2. This sound occurs in words ail, rin and day.
Vowel 14 :it  is represented by /oƱ/. It starts near the center of the mounth and move towards vowel 8. It occurs in such words as oat, know and go.
Vowel 15 : it is represented by /ai/. This is a wide diphthong which starts in the ragion of vowel 4 and moves toward vowel 2. This diphthong is found in words such as aisle, fight and high.
Vowel 16 : it is represented by /aƱ/. This is a wide diphthong which starts in the region of vowel 4 and moves towards vowel 8. It occurs in such words as out, house and now.
Vowel 17 :  it is represented by /əi/. this diphthong begins in the region of vowel 7 and moves towards vowel 2. It occurs in such words as oil, toyed and boy.
Vowel 18 :  it is represented by /iə/. it is centring vowelin that it starts near vowel 2 and moves towards vowel 12. This diphthong is found in such words as ear,pierce and beer.
Vowel 19 : it is represented by /Ƹə/. It is a centring diphthong which starts near vowel 3 and moves towards vowel 12. it is found in such words as air, paired and there.
Vowel 20 :  it is represented by /Ʊə/. It is centring vowel starting near vowel 8 and moving towards vowel 12. This diphthong is found words like tour and moor.
Huuuuft…panjang amat yak :V Those are a few list about explanation of vowels, now we move to stress. Wahh…pas nih after write panjang lebar langsung stress :D ahahahah that’s just joke brother.

In stress pattern can indicate a shift in the way a word function. Thus, when ‘permit’ functions as a noun, the stress is on the first syllable:
    This is your’permit.
When it used as a verb,however, the word takes the stress on the second syllable:
Per’mit me to say.
Others words which use a similar stress change to indicate a change of function are :
Noun                                           verb
‘Accent                                       ac’cent
‘Contract                                   con’tract
‘Export                                       ex’port
‘Import                                       im’port
‘Object                                       ob’ject
‘subject                                      sub’ject

Adjectives are also sometimes distinguished from verbs by a difference in stress:
Adjective                                   verb
‘absent                                       ab’sent
Con’summate                         consum’mate
‘perfect                                      per’fect
‘present                                     pre’sent

Selamat membaca om :V


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